Life is like a game.Here you may win sometimes and lose many a times.But taking all things in a positive way to lead a happy life is the essence of living.
Being in this modern era we should think beyond the boundaries.There is no point in crying if we don't get something which is not our property.Also it is idiotic to cry on our failure or disabilities.

Some days back I had been to gopalaswami betta with my friends.I saw a man screaming and fighting with temple staff for not allowing him to go to the front in the queue to see god's idol.But in the same queue there were a lot of children coming from special school.Most of them could not even see the beautiful world.If that man should have thought that at least he can see ,may it be bit late there were no conflicts at all.So if we don't succeed in something we have to see at the people who are in still worse position than us and instead of getting angry on our disabilities it is more advice able to find an alternative way to get success.
I have seen many people getting involved in a disease called 'LOVE' and spend their money and precious time.After some time or so if they are attacked by one more disease called 'breakup',then they leave all hopes and sit idol.I wonder if they think that it is 'The end'.They forget all future goals and will be very worried on that matter itself.Thus they are loosing the precious moments of life,(Maybe one more love!!).
One of my friend was very much impatient and once he took up a project in his hand.At the eleventh hour he got some problem and he left the whole thing.I don't know by what word should I call him?!! If he would have been a bit patient and tried again he could have achieved something.
Before taking up any task in our hand we should know it very well that why we are doing it.You might have seen many students going for tuitions or placement trainings.I have heard many of them study only because they have spent money.Now think,if they would have spent the same money in some field and achieved some good result it could have been fruitful.
As I feel it is the most idiotic to feel that we cannot do something great which many others do.! Instead of thinking "I Can't", we should have ab\n attitude like "Why Can't I?".That's the ultimate way of positive nature.
The very first thing which we should keep in mind when we are heading towards a goal is "never care for Criticism".that means take the criticism in a positive way.The one who makes it is either jealous on you or not capable to achieve success like you.If you start feeling on others comments you are gone,rather have a smile for all critics and ultimately you will not get any comments back.!

In this competitive world,we have to protect ourselves first and then think of others.!Otherwise at the end of the day ,we lag behind.
For a while,think about the people who can't even walk themselves,can't talk a single word,cant see the beauty of the world.At least god has provided all of us good abilities and utilizing it to the core is our duty.!!
For giving finishing touch I would say I wrote all these from my experience and for time pass.You might have enjoyed,even if you got bored I have hopes that I will improve one day and I won't feel bad about your comments and I don't think that I can't write like others.!!The phrase which revolves around within me is "Why Can't I?" :-)
This is not a time pass article dude...! It's really worth reading!suselio
nice makes a good reading ! keep it going..
If this was just a timepass, I just cannot imagine..<<___>>!
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